While picking up lunch today, I caught part of Bush’s inauguration. A preacher was blessing the administration while referring to God as “the big power-broker in the sky.” it’s hard to stay optimistic, isn’t it? By the way, has anybody seen The Assassination of Richard Nixon yet?
A local girl from the RP was supposed to box Tonya Harding last night at the Lagoon. Instead of representing , I stayed in and watched bad TV. On the plus side, I caught the Real World Philadelphia episode where one of the cast members got scabies! As always, our city never lets me down.
Monika Bullette sent me a live version of Pumpernickel that was recorded at the Coda Tavern around 1996. I added it to the Nero section. Check it out.
Sean Rule can’t be stopped!
Gotta run – I have to pick up a few cartons of seitan before the blizzard hits this weekend