I don’t have to much to say today, so I’m going to leave it to this weeks Top 5 guest, drummer extraordinaire and Brit-pop aficionado D$ (pronounced DEE – MONEY):


The Situation LP – we got a taste of The Sits studio work with their debut recording, The Reese Nasty EP. Now the boys from Philadelphia have set their sites on recording what I’ve been a told will be regarded as a straight up masterpiece…

Doves – Some Cities – coming off the brilliant release of 2002’s The Last Broadcast, Manchester’s new favorite sons are back with an album that NME has already confirmed  to be one of the biggest British albums of 2005.

New Order – Waiting For The Sirens Call – Is it gonna rock?..will it be danceable?..Word is the New Order new LP will contain all the elements and then some which have garnered their critical and fan acclaim for the past 20 plus years..Thank christ we didn’t have to wait eight years for a new release.

Morrissey – Live from Earl’s Court – Riding high from the overwhelming success of his latest album, “You are the Quarry”, Mozzer is set to release his first live recording to feature Smiths tunes as well as many of his solo classics. Anyone who has seen Morrissey in concert recently can attest to the fact that this man still has it!

Longwave – There’s a Fire – part time shoegazer/ part time indie rockers Longwave have just completed their third album, this time with studio wiz John Leckie. Be prepared for a recording of epic proportions..

Thanks D$ – what else can I say except “What about The Tears! Butler and Anderson back together for the first time since Suede’s Dog Man Star!”

Anyway, have a great weekend. If you’re thirsty, have some Sambazon Acai Fruit Juice. That stuff’s awesome.