This Friday’s Top Five comes from Mini-Golf enthusiast and Snow Tubing extraordinary, The Mighty Thor!
I was born and raised in Philadelphia but have lived in many surrounding counties. I have eaten much pizza in my time and even more mediocre pie. A lot of people have their favorite pizza for sentimental reasons and not taste: Maybe a certain pizza reminds them of the first girl they finger-banged because they took her for a slice afterwards, etc.
There are plenty of good traditional pies out there, so I try to find the ones that are different and better than all the rest.
That being said, here are my top five best tasting pies in the area (the top four are all pretty equal depending on your mood):
1. Santucci’s (several Philly locations- best one is the original on O street)
2. Pica’s (Upper Darby)
3. Taconelli’s (Original in Port Richmond is the best, but the one across from the Moorestown mall is owned by the son and is pretty damn good, too)
4. Gaetano’s (They are all over the area. I’ve been told that they all are owned by members of the same family but not every one is owned by all the same members. Get it?)
5. Jake’s 28 inch pie (Broad St. All right, I contradict myself here. Don’t get me wrong, it tastes good, but their 28 inch is worthy of mention, in part, because of its size. Go ahead, tell me you’re not impressed by 28 inches…… They have to tilt the shit sideways to get it through the door! Don’t you wish you had that problem?)
THOR of Palmyra