My favorite sunglasses have finally bitten the dust. I bought them this past September when Tucker and I were in California working on the record. If you see a pair like these, please pick ‘em up for me. Bright sun, you beast – will your burning never cease!
On a happier note, this week’s Top Five comes from self admitted Johnny Depp fanatic and British exile, Lorna Looney-Doone!
Lorna’s Top 5 Johnny Depp Moments:
Can’t think of a favorite – I love so many of them, but here goes.
1. Chocolate – that’s where I first became aware.
2. Benny and June – he is so Buster Keaton.
3. Actor’s Studio – I loved in the Actors studio when the guy asked him the question “What would you want St Peter to say when he meets you at the gates of heaven” and Johnny goes “Wow”.
4. Pirates of the Caribbean – when Orlando Bloom, during a sword fight says “that’s not fair” and Johnny says “Pirate!” I love the one liners.
5. Most of all, I love how well he treats his teenage fans. He’s generous with his time with them, and the one story I heard, when after having a conversation with a group of girls, he is walking away and when they yell after him, he turns and puts his hand on his heart. Man that is so fucking gracious. There you go – That’s my Johnny.
That’s all for today. Have a great weekend. I’m off to NYC for Christo and the Toy Fair.