If you’re ever organizing a photo shoot, I’ve learned it’s a good idea not to write anything like “so, we’re planning on shooting the president around 3:00p.m.” in any out-going emails. Apparently, the federales don’t like it so much.

Here’s a sneak preview of the layout of my one man tribute to Motorhead. Just kidding. Yeah, I worked really hard at the shoot for the last two days.


Things seem to be pretty tense at Camp Sitch lately. Now that the shark’s off the shit, he’s been waging a one-man all out war against slackness like he’s General Patton on speed. Between you and me, I think the long days of commuting to the Big Apple have been making him a little bit cranky. Don’t worry, man, we still love you.

Tucker loaned me Dylan’s book, “Chronicles Vol. 1” What I like about it is that he not only tells you about all the books he has read, but also the ones he hasn’t! It’s a good read, though.
The jury’s still out on this new Doves record. I think I have to give it a few more listens.