Question of the day: Is this a blog? Everyone I know keeps calling this news section a blog. Can’t we think of a more charming title than “blog?” Blogging sounds like something you do when you’ve had too much to drink and you’re swapping spit with the porcelain queen. What does the hell does “blog” stand for anyway? From now on, this is no longer a blog, it’s a revolution. Ok, I overshot that one – let’s just settle on a column (or if you like, Mr. Castro’s Virtual Soapbox)

I spent the weekend laid up on the couch with fever so I caught up on watching Gigantic: a Tale of Two John’s which Nick loaned me. It’s a fairly well done “rockumentary” on They Might Be Giants which I enjoyed, even though I’m not their biggest fan. I could admit to you that I saw TMBG once at the Troc back in 1991 but then again, I might as well just say I’m old and boring. I also picked up End of the Century, the new film about the Ramones. Highly recommended and very well done. The Ramones were one of the first band growing up that I got really obsessed with and this film definitely does the band justice. Actually, I saw them in 1991 as well at the Tower. So, Maybe I’m just old, not boring?