Cookie Monster sold out! Please say it isn’t so!

Back on the topic of books, here’s another one that I may have to add to my summer reading list.

I got to catch up with Andy Cruz of House Industries fame last night – seems like things are going well for him and the boys since relocating a few years ago to Yorklyn. (Man, how time flies.) Anyway, they’ve recently joined the ranks of fashionistas and opened up a swank new boutique in swinging London. Check them out online and get your self some style.

Speaking of fashion, as some of you may have heard, I’m working on putting together a new design and apparel company called “Another Pointless Enterprise”. I’m still working on the concepts as well as the site, but here’s a sneak preview of what’s to come. Enjoy! (Ed. – site no longer active)

No Top Five this week because, well, sometimes people just don’t come through. LIfe – does your cruel laughter have no end?