So, following the insane sleepless marathon that is Create-A-Thon, I’ve been keeping it a bit mellow lately and catching up on a little sleep. I did find time though to update both the paintings and collage pages on this site with images of recent work, so please take a look when you have a moment.
I watched this indie flick called Untitled recently, a nice little send-up of the modern art scene and the gallery world in general. Pretty on point for the most part and, although not laugh out loud funny, it’s amusing. Not the greatest movie ever made, but decent if you’re into that kind of thing.
The Epicly Later’d series on pro-skater Dylan Rieder was excellent – that show just keeps getting better and better. And Dylan’s recently released Gravis part is easily the best thing he’s put out. Kid rips.
And speaking of pro-skating, the recently retired Heath Kirchart and photographer Jeff Vallee have taken off on an insane cross country bicycle ride – you can follow their exploits at Much respect to those dudes – that’s something I would love to do but have never gotten the guts, time or funds to make it happen. Safe travels.