I finally had a chance to sit down and watch the new Basquiat documentary, A Radiant Child, and really, really enjoyed it. Very well done and insightful – the bebop sound track was on point and the vibe of the whole thing just seemed really spot on. And I liked how they tracked back to some of his influences, showing side-by-side comparisons – it gave a bit of understanding and depth to his work that I didn’t appreciate before. Inspiring and sad to say the least. Definitely check it out on Netflix. And do yourself a favor and check out some more Basquiat work on artsy.net.
I have two art pieces featured in the Fall 2010 issue of the Main Street Journal, so be sure to pick one up if you’re in Newark, Delaware anytime soon. It’s free.
And The Sky Drops just released their brand new single Explain It to Me, today via iTunes and it’s really, really good. A bit dirtier and covered in a blanket of warm fuzz, it’s got a great riff and a great sound – drop 99 cents and pick it up. McD’s cant’ front on that value meal.