Thanks again to everyone who made the trek to Saturday’s opening at Fringe Salon – I hope you had as good a time as I did. For those who were missed, 5 o’clock Shadowboxers killed it, sparking a spontaneous dance party on the salon floor while throwing off-the-top freestyle verses at will. Rakim said it : To me, MC means move the crowd and Zilla and Curly Castro did just that. For visual documentation, check out the short clip below of two modern dancers snake charming their way through an interpretation of set opener, West Indian Rum. Thanks again for playing fellas.

And special thanks to Erin, Roberta and all the girls at Fringe Salon for hosting such a fun evening. The show will be up until early April, so stop on by and get your wig done while you take in the visuals.

And check out the 215 magazine blog for a short write up on the evening.