About a year and a half ago, I got an email from an old friend, Michael Sanchez, asking if I’d like to work on an album cover for an upcoming EP by his band, The Way It Is.  Originally planned as a vinyl release for first quarter 2010, I was super stoked on the project since album art always looks better on a full size 12 inch record cover.  To make a long story short, the files went out and communication went silent so I assumed the project was shelved due to either lack of funds or a change of heart on the material by the very finicky musician.  Anyway, he’s finally made the EP available online – it’s called Music is My Boyfriend.  You can read a great review of it over at Ball of Wax, or listen to the thing yourself here.

Anyway, PhillyBroadcaster.com recently posted a nice little piece on last weekend’s opening at Fringe – click here for the collection of words and additional visual documentation.

And below’s a very cool video interview with former Stone Roses guitarist turned artist, John Squire, where he talks watercolor and describes some of his techiniques for creating art.  I’ve always loved this art and it just seems to keep progrssing.