I love instant Netflix – I mean, I’m totally sold on the idea that I can easily watch what were once hard to track down films whenever I want, and I’ve really seen some great stuff over the last year.

So I was intrigued when I came across a French film called La Jetée, which caught my interest mainly because the whole thing was shot with still photography.  I figured, “All right Castro, we all know our collective attention spans are running shorter and shorter by the second (hell, if you’ve even made it this far into reading this spillage then you’re probably doing better than the average bear) – do you really think you’re going to make it through a what’s basically a 28 minute slide show?”

But damn, I was blown away.  It’s an incredibly moving piece of work, the visuals are great, the narration is poetic  – truly inspiring and it opened my eyes into pushing the envelopes and thinking outside the box when it comes to making films. It’s definitely worth watching if you have the time and patience.  It’s slow at the beginning but, like a long road trip, once you get into the groove of it, it’s rewarding.

Apparently, they based the film 12 Monkeys on this.  I had no idea. Anyway – check it out below (although it looks much better in HD on a large screen).