Watched a very cool documentary over the weekend about Jack Kerouac’s book Big Sur. Entitled One Fast Move or I’m Gone, the film follows Kerouac’s post On The Road life, dealing with his instant celebrity, the trappings of fame and his decent into alcoholism and his emergence on the other side. Plenty of greats chime in, including Tom Waits and Patti Smith. And the cinematography, especially the footage shot in Big Sur, is beautiful. Jay Farrar did the soundtrack. Definitely worth checking out. And I’ll admit that I haven’t read the book but it’s now top of the list (once I finish Just Kids, of course.)

Also got forwarded some info on a very cool looking double documentary on the untold story of the California Beat Era called Swinging in the Shadows. Peep the trailer below. The producers are still looking for funding to wrap up the project so, if you like what you see, make a contribution to the cause and support independent cinema. Every little bit helps.