It’s been a long time coming but John Paul Travis, Larry Zappaterrini and myself have a new band – The Lift Up – and we’ll be playing our debut show at Mojo Main (the old East End for all you old heads) on Friday, May 11.  Full details (like the lineup) are still being worked out, but I wanted to give everyone a little advance notice.

Band The LIft Up

It’s been six years and a lot of mileage since the last time we three stepped on stage together and I couldn’t be more excited and honored to be playing with those two again.  For those wondering – yes, I am writing songs and singing lead for the band, which is a first for me – and no, we’re not going to be playing any songs by The Situation (sorry).  And for those about to ask “well, what do you sound like”?  It’s hard for me to say much except that it’s somewhere in-between The Situation and Nero (OPF).  Less brit-pop, maybe a little more rock-n-roll. We’re definitely not a “power trio” but instead look toward some of the great three piece bands like Husker Du, The Jam, The Minutemen, Dinosaur Jr.  and The Rock-n-Roll Trio for influence (as well as the usual suspects).

We’re on facebook as well as twitter – and will hopefully have a full website up sometime in the near future. Other than that, we have tenative plans to record two songs later this spring, with hope of doing a record sometime down later this year, if things work out.  Time will tell.

Friday May 11th – hope to see you there.
