Stoked to announce The Lift Up will be playing one last show in 2012 at the North Star Bar in Philly, opening for The Vacant Lots (from VT, onMexican Summer) on Saturday December 15th, along with True Gold and The Tweeds – two excellent psychedellic/shoegaze drone bands from the 215. The Vacant Lots have a bit of a Spiritualized meets The Velvet Underground vibe – I really dig their new 7″ (listen below) so catch them here before they drop their debut disc and blow up. No, seriously. Regardless – the line up for the night is pretty solid so a good time is guaranteed. Plus, with 2012 coming to a close, the band is ready to celebrate so come throw down – it’s been a great year and the three of us are really excited to be back playing music together.
Door are at 9pm – we go on first at 9:30 pm sharp so get there early. No excuses old timers.
Advance tickets here. Facebook event info here.