Mocking Fate: I recently realized it’s been 10 years since my friend and former band mate Christopher Tucker passed away. I think about him often and, despite how different we were and how often his behavior drove me crazy, I really miss him, especially his wicked sense of humor. He taught me a lot and, at times, challenged my perspective on things. Take it as a good reminder to surround yourself with people who think differently from you, ’cause in the end, they push you and make you a better person.
This is a short film that our friend Justin Clowes put together as a promo piece for The Situation’s debut album, which was about to be released on Elephant Stone Records in 2006. Unfortunately, the band imploded around the same time the doc was finished, so it was never officially released.
Despite all it’s technical faults, I really cherish this time capsule as I think it does a fair job in capturing that time in our lives. The six years we spent in that band were intense and life changing for sure.
Anyway, enjoy the film. For those of you who were there, much love and respect to you. Thank you for everything.
Rest in peace Christopher.