I recently did a follow up interview with Maxomatic over at The Weird Show. We discussed my new retrospective book of collages and interviews as well as life, art and the passing of time.
If you are familiar with the book, it includes an interview I did for the Weird Show back in 2014, just prior to the opening of their group collage show I was a part of at The Invisible Dog Art Center in Brooklyn, NY. Max and Ruben have been incredibly supportive of the collage art scene, organizing countless exhibits as well as doing interviews and promotions. I am honored to once again be featured on their site. Gracias amigos!
Here’s a short excerpt from the interview…
We interviewed the Philadelphia based artist about his work and thoughts and his latest book recently published, collecting the best of his last decade´s work.
– In your book´s introduction Marta Staudinger wonders if
“Everything we love is slowly becoming fiction” (the title of the book)
is a political, cultural o sociological statement? Can you tell us
something about it and explain also why it summarizes one decade of your
That title is really just an expression for the
passing of time. When you are young, you think you know everything. As
you get older, you learn you really know absolutely nothing and things
you once took for granted as being personal truths no longer hold any
water. But the beauty in “I don’t know” is that the road forward it
completely wide open, if you are receptive to it.
The only thing that is true is the present moment—everything else is fiction. Once the present moment has past, any recollection or revisiting of that past moment has to be seen through the lens of the viewer, which is ultimately colored by personal preference and bias. History is just a matter of perspective.
Click here to read the entire interview
Click here to purchase Mighty Joe Castro’s limited edition retrospective book, Everything We Love Is Slowly Becoming Fiction