Entry #40

According to the shark, the word of the night last night was hubris. At least it was at the big Camp Sitch pow wow at Tucker’s crib. And, no, I didn’t know what it meant either. When he first mentioned it, I thought he said “hummus” so, as you can imagine, I was very...

Entry #38

Thanks to everyone who made it out to the TLA last night I hope you had as much fun as we did! I spent the afternoon trudging through rush hour traffic to retrieve my amp from the shop only to have it break down once again during sound check. Then, the backup amp I...

Entry #36

If you’re ever organizing a photo shoot, I’ve learned it’s a good idea not to write anything like “so, we’re planning on shooting the president around 3:00p.m.” in any out-going emails. Apparently, the federales don’t like it so much. Here’s a sneak preview of the...