by admin | Mar 13, 2019 | art, artwork, collage, News, posters, Uncategorized
Nothing Feels Beautiful Anymore is a piece of cut paper collage art using images found in vintage magazines and other ephemera. They are then dry adhered to paper with a gel medium. The original image is roughly 11 inches wide by 14 inches tall (not including matte...
by admin | Jul 13, 2017 | art, News, posters
I was very honored to have the opportunity to design another gig poster for Madalean Gauze – this one for her upcoming July 21 show at Johnny Brendas in Philadelphia to celebrate the release of her excellent new EP: Cool & Fun. The poster features my...
by admin | Dec 17, 2015 | art, artwork, collage, News, posters
Very excited about this one – here’s a poster I designed for Philadelphia singer/songwriter Madalean Gauze, for her upcoming show at Boot and Saddle in Philly, to celebrate the release of her excellent new album, Sing. To be honest, when she first reached...